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  • Welcome to Nintendo Support

    Get support for your Nintendo systems, software and services

    Issues With Confirmation Code (No Email, Code Not Working, Etc)


    • Issues occur when you try to create and/or link a Nintendo Account with Nintendo Switch using the email and 5-digit confirmation code. (Email never arrived, expired URL, confirmation code is blank or not working.)


    This process is optional. You can also link your Nintendo Account by entering your Nintendo Account sign-in information on your Nintendo Switch console.

    Additional Information:

    When creating a new Nintendo Account to link to a Nintendo Switch console, you will be given the option to use a 5-digit confirmation code to complete the process.

    What to Do:

    • If you are having issues with the email or the confirmation code, you can use the standard steps for creating / linking a Nintendo Account to a new user account or existing user account.
      • This method allows you to link your Nintendo Account using your Nintendo Account sign-in information; the confirmation code is not required.