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  • Playtest: Super Paper Mario


    Mario is back! The pioneering plumber has dusted down his dungarees for his first full platform game on Wii in a title that rips up the rulebook on how platform adventures traditionally unfold! Take control of Mario and his mates, playing as Luigi, Peach and even Bowser on your way to overcoming a bizarre new enemy.

    Super Paper Mario offers a hilarious take on the history of the Mario series and videogames in general whilst leading you on a colourful journey that will appeal to players of all ages and abilities. From using the unique capabilities of the Wii Remote to witnessing the wedding of Bowser and Princess Peach, you'll be left in no doubt this is a classic Mario game with an added dimension!

    The game starts with the news that Peach has gone missing. Fully expecting their old foe Bowser to be behind her disappearance, Mario and Luigi infiltrate his castle to confront him; only to find a new enemy - Count Bleck - stirring up the trouble instead. From here you set off on your quest to put a halt to Count Bleck's scheming ways and save the universe from total destruction. Even in the introductory story, it's clear how big a part humour plays in Super Paper Mario. Witty one-liners are reeled off at almost every turn, and jokes fly thick and fast all the way from start to finish.

    Once you take charge of Mario and co, you'll quickly find yourself at ease thanks to the game's easy-to-use controls. Holding the Wii Remote sideways, you control Mario's movements with the +Control Pad, using the 2 Button to jump and the 1 Button to activate one of the Pixl sidekick characters you acquire during your quest. The Pixls follow close behind you as you go, giving you the ability to do everything from picking up an enemy to placing a bomb in a strategic position. You'll also find yourself using the Wii Remote in all kinds of inventive ways; pointing it at the screen to activate a spotlight that reveals hidden secrets, or shaking it to perform special attacks.

    But perhaps the coolest ability you will earn in the game is the power to switch between the worlds of 2D and 3D. With a quick press of the A Button, the camera angle swings round to show things in three dimensions, giving you a different point of view and revealing a world you couldn't see before. It's a trick that completely transforms the game world, helping you to dodge danger, reach new platforms or defeat awkward enemies. Flipping from 2D to 3D to explore your surroundings is always worthwhile, but beware - if you remain in 3D mode after the on-screen Flip Meter runs empty your character's Heart Points will start to drop.

    It's possible to increase your Heart Points and Attack power by leveling up as you progress in the game. The higher a score you build up by collecting coins and defeating enemies the quicker you will level up. Your Attack power and Heart Points can be viewed by pressing the + Button on the Wii Remote and accessing the Menu Screen. From this screen you'll also be able to see any items in your possession, which Pixl sidekicks you have at your disposal and a whole lot more! Items you collect from people or buy from shops on your travels can come in essential, helping to restore your energy or giving you the power to unleash a special attack.

    From the Menu Screen you also select which character you want to play as, swapping between Mario, Luigi, Peach and Bowser after you have earned the right to make use of their skills. Every playable character in Super Paper Mario has their own unique traits like Peach's ability to float for long distances with her parasol, or Bowser's talent for barbequing enemies with his firey breath! You'll need to swap between your whole team to get the job done, using just the right skills at the right time.

    When it comes to exploring the eight levels or chapters in Super Paper Mario, it's fair to say there is never a dull moment. Checking out every corner of the colourful environments in both 2D and 3D is a visual treat, as well as being a laugh a minute. You'll find yourself transported to remarkable locales like The Bitlands, where retro level design reigns supreme and a geeky Chameleon obsessed with games and comics whiles away the hours in his mansion! Or there's The Underwhere the terrifying place videogame characters go when their game is over! Whether you're in outer space gunning down alien ships or trying to reunite a caveman camera crew in the Land of the Cragnons, you can't help but smile at the constant stream of original ideas and witty asides that run through every level in Super Paper Mario.

    When you're not making your way through one of the eight platform-based levels, you'll find yourself in the town of Flipside, where you'll have to complete various tasks and solve puzzles by exploring the town and talking to the locals who line the streets. Flipside acts as a centre point from which you will set off to start each new chapter in your story, and will keep you busy as you learn vital facts, visit shops and meet dozens of interesting and important characters.

    The mix of game styles - combined with the sense of humour that runs right through Super Paper Mario - mean that playing the game is a thoroughly refreshing experience that never fails to entertain. Technology has helped Mario to come on leaps and bounds since his first platform adventures, but his latest adventure is proof positive that combining the power of Wii with all the elements that made the original Super Mario Bros. platform games so enjoyable is a sure fire recipe for fun.

    Super Paper Mario will be in shops 14 September, only on Wii.